Radial and Reamp––A Trademark Success

Reamp® is a term and recording process that’s been widely used since the early '90s to give musicians and producers more choices in the recording studio. But many people may not know that “Reamp” is actually a registered trademark of Radial Engineering. This means that, technically, Radial is the only company authorized to design and manufacture a device using the word “Reamp.”

Much of the reason for this is based on the fact that Radial has been the de facto leader in the Reamp design and innovation field since acquiring rights to the technology that was first introduced by San Francisco-based engineer John Cunaberti in the late '80s and early '90s. 

Additionally, not many people may know that one of Radial’s most popular Reamp boxes, the Radial JCR Studio Reamper, continues to be built to the original specifications of Cunaberti’s early 90s-era Reamp box design — inspiring Radial’s JCR designation for the unit to be the “John Cunaberti Reamp.”

Today, the vision for Cunaberti’s original Reamp design, an all-in-one Reamper and direct box unit that was too expensive to produce in the early 90s, has been realized in Radial’s latest Reamp box, the Reamp Station.

“My very first prototype was both a DI and a Reamp, and I still use it because it’s a fantastic direct box,” says Cunaberti. “When I decided to go into business making Reamps, it was going to cost me too much to have a multifunctional transformer that was going to do both things well. It’s great to see that Radial has closed that gap and brought that vision to market in the Reamp Station.”

Currently Radial manufactures and markets 10 Reamp devices, from its latest product, the Reamp Station to the legacy JCR Studio Reamper, with a number of models to fill out the line.

Even though it’s been 40 years since Cuniberti’s first Reamp box, guitar players, producers, and engineers still rely on Radial’s signature trademarked Reamp boxes to craft award-winning songs and albums.

“Reamping comes into play when you're sitting back and starting to overdub the album and you think, ‘I wish I had a dirtier or a more fuzzed up guitar sound to go with that basic sound,’" says producer/engineer Joe Chicarelli. “That’s where a Radial Reamp box really comes into play, especially when you’re on a tight schedule or budget and you need something that you know will work the first time. Radial is just the go-to company for any kind of accessory you need.”

For more information on Radial Reamp boxes, visit the company’s Reamp page on its website: https://www.radialeng.com/product_category/reamp.